QC Testing Consultants for Supplements and Foods
We are QC Testing Consultants for Supplements and Foods.
NaturPro offers independent quality control analysis and testing for foods and dietary supplements.
Why Testing is Important: Supplement and natural product testing with a compliant laboratory is required by FDA for foods, dietary supplements and ingredients to ensure they meet standards for safety, quality and effectiveness.
For example, identity, potency and purity are quality control parameters needed to legally sell a natural product as an ingredient, food or dietary supplement.
Have food or supplement testing questions? Contact Us..

NaturPro Scientific is driven to achieve the right answers for our clients.
Some have even called us the ultimate UnLab.
We are not a lab. And this independence means that we are free to pick from the top scientific experts for each type of test or analysis.
As a result, we are truly able to work on behalf of our clients, to ensure that correct methods are used and reliable results are obtained.
Objectives of QC Testing:
- To ensure analytical methods used are valid and fit for purpose
- To make sure laboratories don’t take shortcuts with your sample
- To determine if results are precise and accurate
- To replicate the results of another lab
- To resolve out-of-specification test results
- To resolve disputes in data reports
- To determine if “dry-labbing” may be occurring
- To have an independent expert to review methods and results
- To perform due diligence on a supplier or partner
- To eliminate the potential for perceived conflict of interest when testing own products
- To qualify a lab as a good partnership choice.
3 main benefits of food and dietary supplement QC testing consultants:
- Better analysis and testing validity for reliable, replicable and defensible results.
- Fast turnaround and lower testing costs.
- Reduced retesting, rejections, production delays and product recalls.
We know the shortcuts that testing labs can take, and how to prevent that from happening to you, to ensure testing gives the most scientific, accurate and defensible results possible.
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