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Why Verify, Then Trust?

Why Verify, Then Trust?

“Verification” is the 2016 buzzword for food and supplements, due to the sequence of food safety crises that arguably started with salmonella in peanut butter in the early 2000s.

Recently, FSMA and the “Identity Crisis” for botanical ingredients in supplements have renewed the requirement for verification of quality and safety practices in the supply chain: raw materials, manufacturing practices and test methods being three big areas of focus.

“Trust But Verify” is attributed to President Reagan and later FDA and quality assurance folks. Although it is a well meaning mantra, doesn’t it make verification seem optional?  Shouldn’t we verify BEFORE trusting?

We do know that trust disappears soon after a failure to verify becomes apparent.

From Salmonella in peanut butter, to misidentified plant extracts, to illegal levels of contaminants in your food or supplement, verification is how trust is ensured.

While trust is the ultimate goal, verification comes first.


First published on LinkedIn, April 2016

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