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2-Minute Tip: 6 Ways Ingredients Communicate Value

2-Minute Tip: 6 Ways Ingredients Communicate Value

Product development is an increasingly painful process, taking weeks and months to sort through and evaluate ingredients.

That’s because the evaluation process involves cutting through the marketing fluff and understanding (and communicating) the core value of your product.  This makes it a difficult and time-consuming task for your customers.

Marshmallow fluff GinnyWhy should your customer pick your product or ingredient over all the others?  Because they are able to communicate it’s value.

Effective customer education  is one great way to help customers navigate the pitfalls of the product development process, and keep your product top of mind.  The results often include higher customer conversion and less wasted activity.

 Here’s a 2-Minute Tip listing a few things to be sure to include in your customer education materials:

2-Minute Tip: Six Ways Ingredients Communicate Value



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